Vy's Commonplace
Short Story, 2020
The Pyramid's Gift


Book cover

The sky is always pink, and the air is always singing. All desires are bestowed to those who would climb the Pyramid.

Author: Vương Cẩm Vy
Art used in cover: Du Camp, Maxine. Propylées du Thoutmoséum, à Médinet-habou (Thèbes) (1849-50), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

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Towards the end of 2020, things were beginning to look up for Vietnam, pandemic-wise. Sure, the number of cases was rising steadily, but it was steady. I thought that if things would stay this way, the hospitals would begin to catch up, and everything would be back to normal. Given what would later happen in September, 2021, it was a foolishly optimistic thing to believe.

“The Pyramid’s Gift” was one of those stories that could only be written with optimism. I had the luxury to be pessimistic. In that time, I finished many stories like this one - cynical, macabre, and rough - and I always had a lot of fun cranking them out because I didn’t take it too seriously.

I remember checking out Kitty Horrorshow’s collection, and the writing/narration in CHYRZA lingered in my head for weeks. It was so simple but effective how she never showed what the horror looked like, only described it. I was left wondering if I was looking at a post-disaster scene, or if the narrative was something unrelated playing in my head as I was walking through those desert ruins of CHYRZA. The latter interpretation proved “stickier”; I had begun hearing a droning, exhausted, and garbled narration as I went about my day in my oddly deserted home city. I was already re-telling CHYRZA to myself before I ever set out to write “The Pyramid’s Gift”.

They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. What of poor imitation; is it slander? One of CHYRZA’s strengths as flash-fiction was that nothing went on any longer than needed, and the rest reserved its veil of mystique. I wasn’t there yet. Writing “The Pyramid’s Gift” gave me a lot of appreciation of how difficult it was to write the sort of things I liked to read or play. In a way, this short story was a sacrificial lamb for better art in the future, hopefully.

Music recommendation:

  • “Lipstick to Void” - Mica Levi;
  • “Love” - Mica Levi;
  • Pilgrimage - OM;
  • "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" - Blue Öyster Cult;
  • “Hotel California” - Eagles;
  • “I Have a Special Plan for This World” - Current 93.

Saigon, 2025